- distance
float distance(Vector3f p)
Get the distance from the center of the plane to the given point.
This is useful for determining which side of the plane the point is on.
- dot
float dot(Vector3f p)
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- fromPointAndNormal
void fromPointAndNormal(Vector3f p, Vector3f n)
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- fromPoints
void fromPoints(Vector3f p0, Vector3f p1, Vector3f p2)
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- intersectsLine
bool intersectsLine(Vector3f p0, Vector3f p1, float t)
Calculate the intersection between this plane and a line
If the plane and the line are parallel, false is returned
- intersectsLine
bool intersectsLine(Vector3f p0, Vector3f p1, Vector3f ip)
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- intersectsLineSegment
bool intersectsLineSegment(Vector3f p0, Vector3f p1, Vector3f ip)
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- isOnPlane
bool isOnPlane(Vector3f p, float threshold)
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- normalize
void normalize()
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- normalized
Plane normalized()
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- opIndex
float opIndex(size_t i)
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- opIndexAssign
float opIndexAssign(float value, size_t i)
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- project
Vector3f project(Vector3f p)
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- reflect
Vector3f reflect(Vector3f vec)
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Infinite plane