Image width in pixels
Image height in pixels
Bits per channel
Number of channels
Bytes per pixel
This is compatible with IntegerPixelFormat and other internal format enums in dlib. Values from 0 to 255 are reserved for dlib. Values 256 and above are application-specific and can be used for custom SuperImage implementations
Returns raw buffer of image data in scan order. Pixel layout is specified by pixelFormat
Pixel access operator. Should always return floating-point sRGBa or linear RGBa, depending on format family (IntegerPixelFormat or FloatPixelFormat)
Pixel assignment operator. Accepts floating-point sRGBa or linear RGBa, depending on format family (IntegerPixelFormat or FloatPixelFormat)
Makes a copy of the image
Makes a blank image of the same format
Range of x pixel indices
Range of y pixel indices
Enumerates all pixels of the image in scan order
HDR image interface