Affine transformations in 2D space
Setup the matrix to perform a reflection about an arbitrary plane through the origin. The unit vector n is perpendicular to the plane.
Setup an orientation matrix using forward direction vector
Forward vector of the matrix
Setup a rotation matrix, given Euler angles in radians
Setup a frustum matrix given the left, right, bottom, top, near, and far values for the frustum boundaries.
Setup the matrix to perform a "Look At" transformation like a first person camera
Setup an orthographic Matrix4x4 given the left, right, bottom, top, near, and far values for the frustum boundaries.
Setup an orientation matrix using 3 basis normalized vectors
Setup a perspective matrix given the field-of-view in the Y direction in degrees, the aspect ratio of Y/X, and near and far plane distances
Setup the matrix to perform a projection onto a plane passing through the origin. The plane is perpendicular to the unit vector n.
Setup the matrix to perform a reflection about a plane parallel to a cardinal plane.
Right vector of the matrix
Setup an orientation matrix that performs rotation between two vectors
Create a matrix to perform a rotation about a world axis (theta in radians)
Rotation in 2D space
Setup the matrix to perform scale along an arbitrary axis
Create a matrix to perform scale on each axis
Scale in 2D space
Scaling vector of the matrix
Setup a matrix that flattens geometry into a plane, as if it were casting a shadow from a light
Setup the matrix to perform a shear
Setup the Euler angles in radians, given a rotation matrix
Translation vector of the matrix
Create a translation matrix given a translation vector
Translation in 2D space
Up vector of the matrix
Matrix-based geometric transformations